When you publish a job, SquarePeg immediately begins sourcing highly qualified, best-fit candidates through a sponsored LinkedIn post and personalized, targeted email campaigns.
Sponsored LinkedIn Post
When you publish a job, you have the option of creating a sponsored job post on your company's LinkedIn page or SquarePeg's LinkedIn page. This ensures that candidates actively searching on LinkedIn see your job.
Targeted email campaigns
When you publish a job, SquarePeg also builds a highly customized email campaign. The goal of this campaign is to recruit passive candidates for your job. Your targeting criteria is used to build the recipient list for this campaign. SquarePeg ensures that recipients are well-qualified and fit within the majority (if not all) of your targeting criteria.
The accuracy of passive sourcing email campaigns is determined by your targeting criteria. Poor or incomplete targeting criteria will result in lower candidate accuracy.
Once recipients have been identified, your company description and job description are used to write email campaign sequences based on internal data and best practices to maximize email performance (open rates, click rates, etc.) We track this data regularly and make adjustments to optimize your email campaigns.
If a campaign recipient replies to one of the campaign sequences SquarePeg answers them on your behalf. Most commonly, recipients reply because they have questions about your company or the job. We use the information you shared when publishing your job to answer these questions. If a campaign recipient replies to one of the campaign sequences or applies for your job, they automatically stop receiving campaign emails.
The campaign building process is mostly automated and then reviewed internally using proprietary software that SquarePeg has developed for its own use. We have plans to introduce these tools as features for all users in the future. If you're interested in building your own lists, writing your own campaign sequences, or sending campaigns from your own email address please schedule time to speak with our product team. We are actively developing these features.
Reviewing applicants
All job applicants are automatically reviewed by SquarePeg's matching algorithm and a human reviewer double-checks for accuracy. When SquarePeg identifies an applicant as a match they appear in your job's application tab for review.